UnidColor on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/unidcolor/art/Naxxramas-Sapphiron-103056403UnidColor

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UnidColor's avatar




Not entirely happy with this one, it really lacks something I pretty mutch struggle with in most of my paintings, I think it might be lacking some interest, and well everthing feel so "sharp", your eyes probably will just fly around the picture like a confused maniac trying to find were to watch.

I kinda know what I need to focus on after doing this one, which is atmosphere perspective, push away the background by keeping less detais?, less contrast in colors and values, pull in the center of interest and have like some mid ground.

I gonna study alot of other artists how they do it, I think thats a good way to go.

And yeh ofcourse practice everything else, anatomy for example and perspective XD.

But yeh I mean this painting still took like alot of time, struggled alot with it, doing the circle on the floor is one of the hard objects

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© 2008 - 2024 UnidColor
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Shadraz's avatar
This picture has been my desktop wallpaper for a very long time. I enjoy it everyday when I see it. You are great!
Belated Happy Birthday and many greetings from Germany! :) (Smile)